Sunday, August 2, 2015

Just Claire

Here are two videos to enjoy. The first is Claire learning a song on the piano and Claire winning the Freestyle in the 6 and under heat.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Seriously! I'm a slacker.......

Or I've gone back to work full time and just am not making time to post. It could be that. Its probably that. Sorry grands, I'll try to do better.

Here's a few happenings around the Hicks Homestead.

Strawberry Rhubarb cobbler from our garden. Yummy!

Road Trip to Grammy's

Not bad seats for our annual Mariners vs Red Sox game in Seattle

When you're running late to early service? Stop for donuts and go to the late service instead :)

I don't know what she's doing here, starting the "duck lips" look early :/

Quick trip to Canada for a wedding over Memorial Day weekend

Claire graduates Kindergarten

Claire and her friend Luella

Claire and Ms Ritter

Claire her teacher, Mrs. Bennett

Growing so fast. First and last day of Kindergarten 

Graduation day!

Enjoying cake and bubbles at another wedding 

5 stiches in my finger attempting to slice onions

More strawberries from our garden for strawberry short cake

Just cause she's cute!

Claire's first day of Canyonview Camp

She was really excited to ride a bus

She had a blast but came home sweaty and exhausted each day.

Swim Team with Abigail and Emma
(More videos to follow in a separate post)

Claire learned how to tie her own shoes

ZUCHINNI!! More than I know what to do with.