Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time for 20 questions

1. What is your favorite color? ....................
2. What is your favorite toy? .......................
3. What is your favorite fruit? .....................
4. What is your favorite tv show? ……………....  
My Little Pony
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  ....... 
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
6. What is your favorite outfit? ………………...... 
7. What is your favorite game? …………….......... 
Tumbling Monkeys
8. What is your favorite snack? ……………….... 
Granola bar with a Capri Sun
9. What is your favorite animal? ……………..…  
10. What is your favorite song?.…….................… 
On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons
11. What is your favorite book? ….................…… 
Fancy Nancy
12. Who is your best friend? ………………....…...  
Abigail, Emma and Olivis
13. What is your favorite cereal? ……………...…. 
Captain Crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? ................. 
Swings and monkey bars
15. What is your favorite drink? ……………...........….. 
Capri Sun
16. What is your favorite holiday? …………................… 
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? … 
Giraffe & Water
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? ....... 
Daddy’s Oatmeal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? …… 
Rice and chicken
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? ……… 

Check out last year's answers :)

September's here ALREADY?

Claire turned 6! Lost her first tooth! And started First Grade! All in the same week. Whew!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Just Claire

Here are two videos to enjoy. The first is Claire learning a song on the piano and Claire winning the Freestyle in the 6 and under heat.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Seriously! I'm a slacker.......

Or I've gone back to work full time and just am not making time to post. It could be that. Its probably that. Sorry grands, I'll try to do better.

Here's a few happenings around the Hicks Homestead.

Strawberry Rhubarb cobbler from our garden. Yummy!

Road Trip to Grammy's

Not bad seats for our annual Mariners vs Red Sox game in Seattle

When you're running late to early service? Stop for donuts and go to the late service instead :)

I don't know what she's doing here, starting the "duck lips" look early :/

Quick trip to Canada for a wedding over Memorial Day weekend

Claire graduates Kindergarten

Claire and her friend Luella

Claire and Ms Ritter

Claire her teacher, Mrs. Bennett

Growing so fast. First and last day of Kindergarten 

Graduation day!

Enjoying cake and bubbles at another wedding 

5 stiches in my finger attempting to slice onions

More strawberries from our garden for strawberry short cake

Just cause she's cute!

Claire's first day of Canyonview Camp

She was really excited to ride a bus

She had a blast but came home sweaty and exhausted each day.

Swim Team with Abigail and Emma
(More videos to follow in a separate post)

Claire learned how to tie her own shoes

ZUCHINNI!! More than I know what to do with. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

May '15

Looks like time got away from me again. Here's a recap fro May.

Claire ran the Awesome 3000!

We got a piano! FREE!!

Claire's t-ball picture :) 

Playing "Hawaii" with friends

Sunday, May 10, 2015


She's so very proud of herself (we are too) and after just a few days was even starting off all on her own. Thanks to Uncle Sean working with her over spring break, otherwise this frustrated mama would still have her on training wheels.

Off she goes :)

First crash!  She was fine. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spring Break '15

We had a fun, but busy spring break this year. Half the week spent at Grandma Dee and Dan's newly built home at the beach. The other half spent in Sunriver with friends.

Flying our kite like a pro

Oreo's and milk

Someone likes to sleep with big sister

Tucker taking a swim in the Columbia

Lots of climbing and exploring the rocks. So fun!

Just a few pictures from Sunriver. We were too busy riding our bikes, swimming, hiking and having fun! Claire did learn to ride her bike with NO TRAINING wheels!! So proud of her! Thank you Uncle Sean for helping her. You're the best!!